Stuffing foam cushions the easy way, the way factories do (vacuum). Free slip film with cushions
Tank type vacuum or shop vacuum
and slip film gives a finished cushion.
1. Wrap slip film around foam leaving slip film about 12" bigger than the foam, you don't have to glue or tape the film. The slip film will seal itself when you start vacuum.
2. Take hose from vacuum and put next to foam and turn on vacuum. The air will start drawing out of the foam and seal off the film.
3. Once the air is out of the foam and the cushion is shrunk down. Leave the vacuum on and slip foam into the cover.
4. When you have foam in the cover, shut off vacuum and remove hose.
5. Cut back slip film so foam can get air and return back to original shape.
6. To finish the job just zip up or sew up and you are finished.
You need to remove the slip film from the back of the cushion so the foam can breath. You can remove all of the film but it works very well as a vapor barrier to protect from spills, you don't even know it's there.